aggression in europe map

aggression in europe map. European greenfinch showing
  • European greenfinch showing

  • hobo.hopkins
    May 2, 09:33 AM
    I should hope that this update will allay any of the concerns and fears that some panic-stricken people have had lately.

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map. post
  • aggression in europe map. post

  • arn
    Apr 27, 03:19 AM
    fwiw, here's some data from this news thread:

    The top rated posts:

    13 hours ago at 12:07 pm

    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.

    Rating: 15 Positives / 2 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:12 pm

    One interesting thing to note. Apple held 25% of recent acquirers with 2 phone models. The iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. They are also on only 2 carriers, and have only been with Verizon for part of the time leading up to the march survey. Android however is on dozens of handsets and all four US carriers. I would say apple is doing amazingly well when you consider those specifics. I am not worried about iOS not having a larger chunk of the market, I am blown away that it has 25%.

    Rating: 12 Positives / 0 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:39 pm

    " total penetration" THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. yeah I signed up for an account just to post this.

    Rating: 10 Positives / 0 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:15 pm

    If the iPhone were buy one get two free as well then I bet those numbers would be different :D

    Rating: 9 Positives / 1 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:09 pm

    Competition is good :) Keeps Apple on their toes Don't need another MS Monopoly.......

    Rating: 12 Positives / 4 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:14 pm

    iPhones are still better.

    Rating: 12 Positives / 5 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:12 pm

    I really hope that Apple sees trends like this and realizes it's time to change their game plan. No more once a year phones. Time to kick the innovation level up a few notches. Time for over the air OS updates, over the air app installs, wireless syncing and everything else Android has offered for some time now.
    iOS does over the air app installs. Other than that, yes I agree that Apple needs to do those things. Oh, and I use Android because it's the only option on my carrier (its the least repulsive option anyway). But it sucks, and doesn't seem to be getting any better. I think the only reason it is seeing growth like it is is because of cheap hardware, and, as in my case, being the only real option on certain networks.

    Rating: 6 Positives / 0 Negatives

    2 hours ago at 11:13 pm

    inevitable as android devices are available everywhere and in every price segment. remember, half of all American workers earn $505 or less per week.

    The funny thing is, almost every single Android owner I know are people who could care less about "smartphones," really don't know much about technology, and only bought one because it was very cheap or free when they upgraded, and they were told that it could "run apps like the iPhone." These are people who had cheap free phones before they upgraded. And realistically, the majority of people are like that. But when we compare the industry profit percentages, it paints a much different picture. Which goes to show that market share is irrelevant especially in the cell phone business where cheap free phones are dominant. Its going to be interesting when Apple tries to go after this segment. I'm sure they'll come up with something clever.

    Rating: 5 Positives / 0 Negatives

    Michael Scrip
    12 hours ago at 01:13 pm

    Deceptive Report... Let's not forget, Apple iOS encompasses more then just iPhones. If you included the iPad and iPod Touch which both run Apple iOS then Apple's market share is still ahead of Android.

    It's not *that" deceptive... they did include "US smartphone usage" in the headline. Here's why... Apple's smartphone is called "the iPhone" And then you've got "Android" which is a tons of phones from many manufacturers. When comparing smartphone numbers... it's the iPhone vs. many Android phones. You're right... if you wanna have a platform battle... iOS vs Android... you'd have to include iPods and iPads. But this is a comparison of phones...

    Rating: 5 Positives / 0 Negatives

    13 hours ago at 12:27 pm

    Wow. A platform that is available on all four major carriers and has dozens of phones, passed the iPhone (which *just* became available on its second carrier) in overall usage. So I guess Google should be patting themselves on the back for this historic achievement.

    Rating: 5 Positives / 0 Negatives

    There isn't a huge amount of activity, but take it for what it's worth. Also, I think this was before we fixed the IE issue. It should work in IE now.


    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • mark151
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    Italian iTunes (Music) Store is down too, with the black screen.

    and...i've found this

    aggression in europe map. Europe in 1756.
  • Europe in 1756.

  • applebum
    Aug 5, 12:09 PM
    I was thinking, ( always a dangerous activity).

    There IS one thing that could make me switch over to the cross platform compatibility side of this argument.

    That would be if the CC of Norway enforced it ACROSS THE BOARD!

    My first MP3 player was a Creative Zen Micro. The only reason I have an iPod is because when I switched to Macs, the nice people at Creative Labs informed me that their sync software DID NOT SUPPORT MAC OS.

    I can't even access Sony's Connect music store on my Mac. I'm told I need to "upgrade to Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher". (Upgrade to IE??? Bwahahahahaha!!! Those silly wabbits. :D)

    I have a couple of programs I used in my PC days that are completely useless now, they won't run on Mac OS. Why not? I bought them! I paid for them! What right do these software companies have to lock me into a single platform?

    I have, at last count, 317 files on my comp with the extension .xls. If I should decide I prefer to use Lotus, will I be able to open these files as is? Or will I have to take the time to convert them to XML format? Will I lose any of the custom formatting these files contain? ( I honestly don't know. I'm just beginning to learn the ODF stuff. Beside, current version of Lotus appears to be Windows only!) And these files aren't something I paid for, they are my own creations!

    I'd be more than willing to see Apple surrender some iPod sales, (given the quality of the product, I don't think it would be much), if it would remove the single largest block against switching to Mac OS; the availabilty of software! Then the OS's could compete on other planes; features, ease of use, quality of computing experience, stability, etc. All of which would be, dare I say, good for the consumer?

    Maybe I'm just a silly dreamer, but imagine the boon to Mac and Linux users if all these software development companies were forced to make their products interoperable, with the same functionality, and price.

    What a beautiful place the world would be! :cool:

    dsnort - finally, someone has hit the nail on the head. A standard DRM does not help ALL consumers - only those using Windows. This is why I see these rules/laws as fluff. There has to be 2 parts to any law before I will see it as positive. First - the law must insist on OS Neutrality. Meaning, if you want to have an online music store, it must work on Linux, Mac, and Windows. You make a music player, then it must have drivers or work on Linux, Mac and Windows. Once you have that, then let's get a universal DRM that is used by all these music stores and all these music players. Until both things happen, these laws do not help all consumers. And isn't what these laws are supposed to do - help the consumer???

    My household has nothing but Macs. If these "laws" were enacted and we suddenly had a universal DRM, it would NOT help me as a consumer. I would still only be able to use iTunes, as none of the other big music stores (Sony, Yahoo, Napster, Real, Microsoft, Walmart) work on a Mac. I could perhaps buy a different player, but that would only help if that player had drivers or software that would work on a Mac.

    These "laws" seemed to be created by Windows using politicians who don't truly understand what it would take to be fair to ALL consumers. It seems that they only care about whether Windows users get all the bells, whistles, and benefits. So I say leave it the way it is until it will help everyone.


    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • goober1223
    Apr 5, 03:47 PM
    I knew there'd be a lot of "wuts" but this makes sense. If you don't like it, don't download it. I'm sure plenty of people will and it only adds value to their advertisers.

    Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.

    The bigger problem is that Apple rejected an app that served just this purpose (but was surely less pretty), as was already mentioned. This is a cool app, but they should be giving all of the money they earn from it to those that tried to submit this app long ago. I love Apple and have been converting slowly since my first iPod several years ago, but this is absolutely lame of them, even if it only effected a few people.

    aggression in europe map. Aggression In Europe Map.
  • Aggression In Europe Map.

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 02:20 PM
    With each and every release of a new OS (going back beyond Windows), Microsoft has made hyperbolic claims about how good it was going to be. As anyone who's followed this for a while knows, Microsoft's claims rarely live up to reality.

    I don't doubt this, but from someone who has been using Windows since 3.1.1, take my word that Vista is a gigantic improvement over XP. While I agree that MS's claims of grandure aren't justified, there's no denying that Vista is a noteworthy upgrade (rather than an 8-month downgrade until SP1 surfaces).

    Unfortunately for Microsoft, their "good enough" philosophy also works for a lot of their customers. They're used to not being motivated by newer and theoretically better.

    You're half right and half wrong. Some people wouldn't even consider upgrading (whether it's because they don't know what Vista is / how it's different or due to apathy). More people, however, will (one way or another) become convinced that an upgrade is necessary. They're also convinced that whatever slop MS puts on their plate is good enough (as you suggested). They say, "This upgrade from XP to Vista is good enough for MS so it's good enough for me. No need to explore the other options."

    All that being said, Microsoft will sell a zillion copies of Vista. Most of those will be through the OEM pipeline. The OEMs will buy it because they don't have a choice. This is how each and every version of Windows has become a "success." It's Microsoft's dirty little secret.

    And sadly, it doesn't matter how they're sold. Once people start using Vista and see that it's an improvement over what they've been using. They won't consider a switch to the Mac. People talk often about iLemmings, but it really goes QUITE understated the number of MS Lemmings there are. (Think "1984" ad.) MS has great power over those who are unconscious to the computing world. Vista is not going to change that. The only thing that will drive people to the Mac is their becoming "conscious." That is much harder to do and Apple deserves MUCH applause for the amount of waking up they've done to the MS Lemmings.



    aggression in europe map. Russia-Europe map
  • Russia-Europe map

  • xAnthony
    Mar 19, 11:38 AM
    Even though I own two iPhone 4's I never experienced being a meat sandwich so that survey is mostly bullshiznit.

    Just because you aren't getting laid doesn't mean it's 'bullshiznit'. Sometimes you have to blame the player, not the game.

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • belkjab
    Feb 8, 03:20 PM
    The article at the following URL explains "in great detail" how the Dell & Apple Flat Panels differ:

    Apple seals the panel and associated electronics inside of a case thus protecting these delicate components from dust. Unfortunately, the Dell Flat panel has vents on the top, back of the case which expose these components to dust. I would expect Apple's display to out last that sold by Dell.

    Who said anything about Dell claiming greater contrast. Which of my post said that Dell claimed greater contrast ratio and brightness?. I would never make that claim (The dell website claims that the Dell 24 inch is 700:1 contrast, same as the Apple panels, which just got that upgrade while the Dell panels where that for a while). As to brightness, Dell 24 inch is 400 cd/m2 while the apple 23 inch is also 400 cd/m2. I'm neither a Dell fanboy nor an apple fanboy (as i so fondly point out time after time, i have a apple power G5 mac with a 20 inch Dell monitor). I would never make claims such as Dell monitor is better than Apple monitor unless I knew that to be true.. I pointed out that they used the same panels. Yes, the size may be different but they come off the same manufacturing line. To see Dell specs, here is the link for the 24 inch

    They are the same panels except notice Dell has more features which puzzles me greatly. Apple wants to charge a premium for their monitor and that is fine with me but come on!!!.. have more features than the other guy please!!!.. you know how annonying it is for a Dell fanboy to come up to you and say.. hey, our monitor is the same but mine is better and cheaper (better in terms of more features, not brightness or contrast). If you think features don't matter, you are living in la la land. I like the fact that i can hook up more things to my Dell monitor than i could have with an apple monitor. If the apple monitor was more versatile and offered more features, i'd consider paying the premium but i am not gonna get an overpriced apple monitor cause stevie says so.. I don't see him offering me rides on his boat.. why the hell should i get trapped in his reality distortion field?. Give me something better and i will gladly hand over my money to Stevie so he can get a bigger boat (and without any complaints).

    As to my first glorius revelation, you must be a newbie. you should search for my name in other apple forums. I don't suffer fools gladly (or people who reply to a post too quickly). When i post, i do not expect an instantaneous response. It's ok to google the information before you respond. I can wait!!. If you don't know or understand, say so but do not try to make a point about something you don't know about. You replied to one of my post about how wrong I was that dell and apple were using the same panel and now you claim you don't know about the lcd production process?.. and you complain about me being mean?.. you leave yourself open to such an attack when you start making statements you have no idea are true or not.

    Google is a great resource.. I don't know everything either (i wish i did but unfortunately, time is finite and my brain only has so much capacity).. but I always research stuff on google before posting. It helps (also helps to view the company you are bashing website to see their monitor specs before posting).

    BTW, since the apple 30 inch is definetly a better value than Dell 30 inch (although i am sure Michael will not take that lying down.. watch for dell to suddenly drop prices on their monitors) i am soliciting funds to my "get a apple 30 inch monitor" foundation. I get the feeling i will not be seeing your dollar. Oh well. Maybe I haven't antagonized everyone in all the forums and i can get some donations to my wonderful foundation (whoose sole purpose is to get me a 30 inch apple monitor).


    aggression in europe map. Map of the Realm of Cotland
  • Map of the Realm of Cotland

  • MacNut
    Apr 23, 01:16 PM
    Much like the logo in your avatar. :pThat gets a negative vote.:p

    aggression in europe map. Aggression In Europe Map. the
  • Aggression In Europe Map. the

  • lordonuthin
    May 4, 04:32 PM
    tell me about it. and i can't fix it until this weekend. but hopefully i can get it stable then

    Speaking of aggravation, I'm having trouble with my new system. I'm back to stock cpu speed and for some reason the wu's don't want to use all of the cores/threads so bigadv units are running at 45+ min per frame now from 27 min per frame the first time I ran folding.


    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • quigleybc
    Sep 9, 07:18 PM
    George didn't lie about anything under oath :o

    Except for having American's best interests at heart. And sending troops into war only if it is absolutely neccesary.

    aggression in europe map. Map of Europe after changes
  • Map of Europe after changes

  • Agent69
    Nov 16, 07:16 PM
    Is EFI supported on AMD based systems? If not, then this would be a problem, as Mac OS X currently requires it.


    aggression in europe map. Map of Europe, 1815
  • Map of Europe, 1815

  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 23, 11:34 AM
    Keep us posted! And MAKE SURE you keep details logs (even if it's on paper) of the date/times you notice these things. Also, you need to make sure that you take a picture of the house with the blue glow as well!

    I've been taking screenshots of when they connect to my network and writing down who is home in the neighborhood when it is connected. Also have my router set to log IP addresses just in case.

    Hahaha! Wow! I thought I would never have a reason to share my media on a 360, but for security purposes, I should :) That is amazing and stupid on your neighbor's part. See, there's reason to invest in the $100 WiFi dongle. :D

    Please do keep us posted. That may not enough for a warrant, but maybe having a cop visit either homes may be enough for someone to break. It is only down to two houses after all.

    Wow, stealing WiFi AND a X-Box 360? Any laws in your area about stealing an internet connection? :D

    Yeah, that Connect360 program is great. It even tells you the serial number of the 360s that are on your network so I know it is mine.

    I'm not too sure about stealing internet in this area. Its a college town with a ton of apartments so I'm sure there is a lot of it going on. Whether the police do anything about it or not is a mystery to me.

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 02:11 PM
    Minimum wages = unemployment, lower growth
    child labor laws = limits free will and opportunities for youngsters
    max hours per week = limits free will, opportunity for higher personal revenue
    workplace safety = bureaucracy, red tape, lower growth

    Umm boy if you really believe that you are pretty out of it. Lets go look at China. They have had the lack of those laws in place and BOY it is has worked out well for its people

    Majority of Chiniese are nothing more than slaves. Paid very little and have no chances to better themselves. Their health suffers and they are treated like cattle.

    There is more to life than work. Safety is important and guess what OSHA safety oddly enough has made the work place more productive and made things safer. Used safety was the employees job to deal with. If they got hurt it was on them. If you were not willing to risk your safety guess what the company could and would go find someone who would. Now days if you get hurt on the job it is on the company and the company is at fault automatically. This pushes the company to increase safety. They do not want fines or higher insurance cost so they make the place safer for their workers and for the company.

    Hour limititation can point back to safety.
    Min wage at least gives a floor to the paid slave labor and min wage really should only be for high school kids any ways. After that it should go up.


    aggression in europe map. PC games Aggression: Reign
  • PC games Aggression: Reign

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 05:08 PM
    Apple store updates turns out to be "HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE."

    i believe that was already up.Yeah, I got an email for that page ages ago. Looks like they might have brought it to the front store page and maybe some hidden Black Friday updates.

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • GorillaPaws
    Mar 28, 04:12 PM
    So..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.

    Any app that uses a private API to bypass a bug in Apple's code and thereby improve the end-user's experience for one.


    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:42 AM
    They'll release iTunes 7.0 with "iTunes Store" in it's place and it will all come back online after the event.

    which is what I figured.. hehe

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • Tyler76
    Oct 2, 03:21 AM
    this is one of the worst titles for a story I have read. It also sounds like whoever wrote the story has no knowledge of anything that's been happening in architecture for about a century.

    Clean, modern design? Must be influenced by the iPhone! :rolleyes:
    They are referring to iPhone, the main topic.

    aggression in europe map. aggression in europe map.
  • aggression in europe map.

  • iansilv
    Apr 15, 01:38 PM
    If this is real I am stoked!

    Dec 13, 04:59 PM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Your second point: Don't you think Verizon would take the oppurtunity to give apple what they really want over the Android phones: The first 4g phone on Verizon network. That would be a huge advantage. Just because the network isnt fully up yet doesn't mean Verizon couldn't have given apple the tech to make a 4g iphone. Verizon see android phone sales dropping and know that an iphone would boost sales by a huge amount.

    Your third point: It would only be one chip, read the article for reference. How do you know how much battery it uses? It may be only a small amount more than 3g. Att's 3g sucked when the 3g iphone came out. It still sucks. Don't underestimate apple and verizon. You may be surprised!

    Edit: By no means am a I acknowledging the merit or lack there of of this article

    What iPhone 4 Antenna Problem?

    Apr 25, 01:18 PM
    Resizing only means having to rewrite apps if the screen resolution changes -- especially if it changes by something other than a whole-number multiple (e.g. 1.5x versus 2x). All rumors indicate a 3.7-inch screen iPhone would have the same Retina-Display resolution (still maintaining over 300dpi).

    Technically their "Retina-Display" stuff is based also on typical viewing distance as well -- so a "Retina Display" iPad, iMac, or MacBook (assuming those are in the works) may not go as high as 300dpi. However, a Retina-Display iPad would like require the same pixel-doubling (2x) that was done for apps not optimized for the Retina Display until updates came that included higher-resolution graphics.

    But will they stop calling it a retina display then? Because the dpi will drop with screen size increase :D

    Jan 11, 10:32 PM
    At first, I got a chuckle when I read this on their site. Turning off a wall of display is one thing, but what they did to the presenters (especially Motorolla) is inexcusable. They took it way to far...

    To be honest with you, I can't believe they blogged about it afterwards..

    Sep 12, 08:21 AM
    yeah, the iTunes videos are definitely referencing movies I'd say. I mean we all know it was happening. The surprise is the non-disney titles, since we'd all assumed that that would be all Jobs was able to pull. But then again I don't see why studios would sign up with Amazon video, relatively unproven in digital content delivery, without signing up with iTMS, a very much proven system. I'm sure that's a huge part of Jobs negotiations, not ever once asking for anything exclusive. (That would be what his disney connections might be able to get him). If they're worried about being locked in to the iTMS, then they're free to allow whoever they want to to sell their stuff. The pricing scheme right now as rumored is at least two tiered, one for new releases and one for old, so yes, Mr. Movie Studio, you can make more money off your hot newest thing.

    The links from that iTunes Videos thing DO NOT point to any movies. They point to iPod versions of movie trailers. It's just a consolidation of the current content.

    But saying that doesn't matter because people aren't reading the thread.

    Apr 21, 10:39 AM
    I was just about to ask what the heck these arrows are. This has been requested many times though, so lets see how it works.