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  • archurban
    Nov 28, 10:17 AM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.

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  • SheriffParker
    Jan 10, 09:24 PM
    can some body put as link to like a pic of a zoone

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  • extrafuzzyllama
    Sep 30, 01:00 AM
    anyone bought those clear gel tpu cases or the non clear tpu cases from ebay i am thinking of buying a few since they r $2 each

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  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • steadysignal
    Apr 10, 07:04 PM
    manual cars are easy to drive - like riding a bike, you never forget it...

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  • lack ops prestige symbols

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 11:35 AM
    You never know. The same thing happened with the fat Nano rumor:

    True! People can spectulate all they like, but no one knows what Apple are planning! The "daft" Nano rocks! And so will this MacBook Air if it comes out, Apple NEVER fails to amaze! :D

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • Yaboze
    Mar 22, 11:20 PM
    I love my classic and would buy another in a heartbeat if something happened to this one.

    I hope they keep it around. :apple:

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  • pimjai
    Sep 18, 03:36 AM
    are there any sleeves yet?

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. Call Of Duty Black Ops
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops

  • TheIntruder
    Mar 26, 05:46 AM
    Neat. And we used to think Mattel Football was pretty cool. So was the Nintendo Game&Watch and some of the Tomy stuff.

    I always get a chuckle out of the dismissive hardcore "gamer" types who are ready to pooh-pooh anything that doesn't fit into their myopic, narrowly defined notions of what "gaming" or indeed, fun, is or isn't. Shows a lack of perspective and critical thought.

    Is this setup perfect? No, in many respects, but kudos to Firemint for their efforts and what they've achieved on a generic, multi-functional, platform that isn't dedicated exclusively to games.

    Now, get off my lawn.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 28, 02:32 PM
    As far as # of units sold:
    XBox sold 27 million units
    Xbox 360 has sold 7 million so far, and Microsoft expects to sell a total of 10 million by year end.
    Sony has sold 200,000 units in the US, and won't hit 400,000 at year end.
    Wii has sold 400,000 units, and will hit an estimated 4 million by year end.

    Console sales (

    Go Wii!

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • wolfboy
    Sep 30, 03:12 AM
    Yes, I've bought a clear (smoked) tpu case on eBay. Stay away from the clear ones, they leave watermarks on the back. Get the patterned ones. Fitment is kind of loose on some sides but good temp case until something good comes out. I'm waiting on the incase slider myself, just wish it didn't cost 35 bucks for a piece of plastic!

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • garethh
    Jan 12, 05:38 AM
    it is so thin and light.

    This makes sense due to its simplicity. If there is a MacBook Air, this will be the most likely rationale for the name.

    Of course, there could be other reasons, but air suggests lightness and importantly here freedom of movement. I find the current MacBook heavy. A friend was seriously considering buying one, until he picked it up! If mobility is important, like it is for me, a lighter Mac would be great.

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  • Nermal
    Nov 25, 02:54 PM

    This for myself

    I preordered that from Amazon some time ago and it hasn't turned up yet :(

    Edit: It's here! :D (I should've complained sooner since that's clearly what did it...)

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  • lack ops prestige symbols ps3

  • After G
    Aug 25, 02:38 AM
    I think the 64 bitness isn't really necessary for a Mac mini. You're not going to shoehorn >4 GB of memory into two slots, unless memory manufacturers are going to change their minds which I don't think will happen just yet.

    The 20% increase in performance only applies to media and content creation. I guess that would be good for a HTPC, but Word won't run any faster. (Tt may start faster though).

    There is no reason for Yonah owners to upgrade just yet. It's really more of a nice bonus for those people who could wait until now to get a computer.

    Apple prices were lower before because the stagnant tech demanded it. For all we know, the $599 could be the maximum on Apple's profit curve.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 01:30 PM
    The general population never heard the term "App" until Apple released the iPhone.

    Nor did the general population ever shop for Apps online until Apple built the App Store.

    The abbreviation "App" used in conjunction with "store" to denote an online marketplace in which to buy applications is a unique combination that is not known in generic parlance.

    Apple will win this.

    You may be right about the general population not having used the term "App" until Apple did, but you are wrong in your argument that they will win this case. First off, "App" is short for "application" and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Since "App" is derived from "Application," which is a generic term, Apple cannot claim it and trademark it. Furthermore, just because they add "store" to that does not mean it is not generic. Both "App" and "Store" are generic terms. The way Apple used the term was in a very generic way.

    You cannot make a generic term into a unique term. Once it is generic it is lost to the public at large. That is pretty basic trademark law there. Apple will lose this one.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. Call Of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call Of Duty: Black Ops

  • cderalow
    Jan 22, 02:11 PM
    Good news! Atleast your kids can be cool :D

    They all ready sit in Recaro's ;)

    Seriously though, we've got a 3rd on the way, so we had to go to something large enough to fit 3 car seats.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • kadajawi
    Sep 6, 11:21 AM
    Now that the Minis are Core Duo I like it more. Even though it's still $599 ($579 Edu) for the low end, it is at least not a solo. The Mini is still a good computer for a low end price range, even if it isn't the very newest processor available. I would definitely recommend a Mini, but since the iMac is so close in the Edu department, it is a little tough for the 1.83 clockspeed.
    I don't think the iMac is so close. The low end iMac doesn't has a superdrive, no Front Row remote... it does have more than twice the HD and a slightly faster CPU, but other than that it seems pretty identical to the low end Mac Mini. That means $400 gets me a not so big TFT screen (far less than $200... although the quality may be better on the iMac... but you would get a bigger one for less than $200...), a bit more and faster storage space (external HD? How much is that? $100 for a small one (still bigger than the iMacs 160 GB, if you take the built in space. And you can make use of Time Machine)), and a slightly faster CPU (not a big deal to me) + you get Front Row.

    If you don't mind you can get an external superdrive. A DVD writer is 30 � here, dunno about the case. Might be faster too. And you may upgrade the drive to Blue Ray or HD-DVD, later.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • oracle_ab
    Apr 27, 10:18 AM
    The bold part is wrong. In the field of reference, you can't use the trademark even if you're using it generically or descriptively if it has been granted. You will get sued and maybe even lose if the mark is not rescinded. You can even get sued preemptively as is the case here (Amazon appstore).

    Windows OS vs GUI windows is not the same field. One is an Operating System, the other is a GUI element of different computer systems. Microsoft never sued MIT over the X Window System because that's not an OS. They did sue the guys behind the Lindows OS though.

    Hahaha! I didn't have time to edit that before you replied. I'll be clear -- that portion of what you quoted is in relation to what, say, the layperson says vs. two companies. It's okay for you and I to call other digital/electronic store-fronts, etc. as "app store," but another company can't. I may be off here, but for some reason I'm thinking I have to be super-duper specific and clear in replying on this thread versus relying on implied understanding. Again, we're saying the same thing, but I'm just not being as clear as I should be.

    call of duty black ops prestige symbols. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • markfc
    Oct 23, 07:48 AM
    Well, if you want to hear from my reliable source, stocks of macbooks and macbook pros are due in on the 27th/28th October.

    You heard it here first!


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  • COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • turbineseaplane
    Jun 22, 02:08 PM
    Exactly. When did the keyboard and mouse become public enemy number 1? These technologies have been perfected over years and years of real use.

    If Apple introduces a touch iMac it's clearly a money grab, to sucker the public into thinking touch is somehow superior when in fact it is vastly inferior on a desktop monitor.

    Yeah. This story does absolutely nothing for me.

    My interest in "touch screen desktops" is so low I can't even describe it.

    Apr 26, 04:35 PM
    Windows and Amazon are not a generic names. If Microsoft would have named it "Operating System" then that would be generic. If Amazon were named "Online Store" then that would be generic. I'm sure Amazon could have named App Store something else, but then again, it's such a known term now that instantly helps customers identify what they are looking at.

    I like Apple products, but they're beginning to be one of the most anal companies out there.

    Actually windows is generic - a windows OS is an operating system with a GUI that uses a desktop and windows (such as finder, word processors etc) developed by XEROX and first mass produced for the Apple Lisa. The generic term for that type of OS among others was windows OS - then Microsoft came out with a windowing OS and called it Windows and trademarked it. Microsoft is actually arguing against Apple exactly what they did years ago. Back on topic though - it doesn't matter - Amazon is using it while Apple has already filed for the mark. The courts will settle this and if it goes to Apple, Amazon will pay big and have to change their name. Would have been simpler to just change their name to begin with.

    Jul 19, 04:46 PM
    I fully believe the lower desktop numbers are due to people waiting for the Intel-based desktops. The wonderful thing about Macs are that they aren't always in need of updating, so it's not a problem to wait until they are released.

    Expect a huge increase in desktop sales the next quarter or two (if indeed the Mac Pro with Intel line appears next month).

    Oct 24, 12:47 AM
    Awesome, this means there will be further Macbook and Macbook Pro updates on April 24th (a Tuesday). I'm guessing that will be too early for Santa Rosa w/ Robsin caching technology. But, I bet there will be speed increases, graphics and hd increases.

    I'd love to see a new design, but I'll be happy with:
    1. C2D 2.33GHz
    2. bigger HD, with easy-swap HD bay
    3. heat problems, "mooing," and random-shutdowns solved

    Anything else will be icing on the cake!



    Nov 15, 01:34 PM
    8 Core Mac Pro won't be cheap..

    It turns out the 2.66 Ghz 8 core chips are about the same price as 3.0 Ghz 4 core chips. So the price differential will be product positioning, not raw cost.


    Nov 29, 01:56 PM
    ...And I just got my new dual-tuner Tivo yesterday. :o

    Anyway, I'm not betting that "iTV" will be a Tivo repalcement (yet), but more of a TV interface for your downloaded video content, and hopefully some streaming video websites. It'd be nice to browse through YouTube while sitting on the sofa, though the picture quality might be scary on my 32" set.