Latest How to get Courteney Cox's bikini look 2011

Latest 2011 Hot mama Courteney Cox, 46, flaunts her figure frequently on her primetime comedy "Cougar Town." But how does she stay in such great shape? Trainer Michele Lovitt, whose clients include Julianne Moore, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and P. Diddy, shared with Self magazine one of the workouts she does with Cox to help her keep that bikini body. Check it out.

1. Squats
"Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt and thighs!" says Lovitt.
Stand with feet hip-width apart and, for added intensity, hold weights at shoulder level or at your sides. Bend the knees, and lower into a squat, keeping the knees behind the toes. Imagine that you're sticking your butt out behind you, but keep the torso upright and contracted. Press into the heels to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
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2. One Legged Deadlifts
Says Lovitt, "These are great for your hamstrings and butt."
Take left leg back just a bit, lightly resting on the toe. With the weights in front of the thighs, tip from the hips and lower the weights as low as your flexibility allows. Keep your back flat or with a natural arch and make sure you keep the abs contracted to protect the back. Squeeze the glutes of the working leg to raise back up. Do 2-3 sets of 12-16 reps.

3. Reverse lunges
"These are great for giving your glutes a lift," explains Lovitt.
Stand with feet hip distance apart. Step back 3-4 feet with your right leg and land on the ball of your right foot. Lower your right knee towards the floor until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Drive through your left heel, carrying all of your weight on your left leg. Return to your standing position squeezing your left tush. Do 2-3 sets of 25 reps on alternating legs.
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4. Supermans
Says Lovitt, "Small movements get big results."
While lying on the floor on your stomach with arms outstretched in front of you, raise one leg and alternate arm a few inches off the floor, holding the position for one count. Repeat on the opposite side. Do 2-3 sets of 15 reps each.

5. Chair Pose
Begin standing in a mountain pose: Arms at sides, sternum lifted. Bend your knees deeply. Squeeze your inner thighs together and straighten your arms, lifting them overhead and stretching your fingertips toward the ceiling. Lift in your arms and upper chest so your spine is in a slight backbend. Tuck your pelvis. And hold that position for as long as you can. Strive for 8 or 10 breaths. Feel the burn!
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6. Half Moon Pose
Stand tall with feet together. Shift weight onto right foot. Bend forward from the waist to place your right palm on the floor. Simultaneously, lift your left leg toward the ceiling. Once your right palm is on the floor with your arm straight, rotate your torso to the left and extend your left arm toward the ceiling. Arms should be perpendicular to the floor and left leg should be parallel to the floor. Turn your left foot so your toes face forward and turn left palm to face forward. Look up at your left hand. Repeat on the other side