armor hero

armor hero. armor hero movie.
  • armor hero movie.

  • osx11
    Mar 31, 10:11 AM
    Soon we will only have one OS called iOSX

    OSX 10.7 has iOS features that were sent "Back to the Mac"
    iOS is getting OSX apps (Photoshop, Garage Band, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Photo Booth.......)
    OSX is getting apps originally designed for iOS

    If you imagine iOS and OSX on a line


    They are moving in opposite directions toward each other.


    Eventually, they will meet in the middle and we will have either 2 similar operating systems or simply a mix of the two.

    I think Apple thinks that by taking the best of the two worlds they are creating a "better" user experience. I don't know if this is the case but I think that this is clearly the inevitable long-term outcome. Time will tell.

    armor hero. ARMOR HERO school bag for boys
  • ARMOR HERO school bag for boys

  • edesignuk
    Aug 13, 03:55 PM
    I like that a lot.

    armor hero. armor heroes. armor, mabinogi
  • armor heroes. armor, mabinogi

  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 24, 07:32 AM
    I know it's about NOT your car, but here's 'someone elses' Brera S that 'someone else' bought last year! 'Someone else' Loooves this car.

    Geez how I would love for Alfa to come back to North America. There are rumours that it might return in 2012 or 2013 but nothing concrete yet. :mad:


  • kevjen888
    Apr 11, 10:58 AM
    when using Safari on my iPad 2, whenever i click on a link middle page down and then hit the back button, instead of going back to the middle part of the page i came from, it goes all the way the top of the web page. this is so annoying. is there a trick to solve this? thanks.


    armor hero. Heroes armor gets damaged.
  • Heroes armor gets damaged.

  • Peterkro
    Feb 14, 05:05 PM
    Something that has occoured to me, is there is a missing feature on this forum. It's a feature that I have only ever seen on GameFAQs, but have never seen anywhere else.

    The marking system. Basically, each post has a button on it, that when you click it, you go to a page where you can "mark" a message, You can mark it for spamming, flaming, etc... There is a variety of options. Anyway, once you have marked it, it goes into a todo list for the mods. They can then review this message, and remove it or change it.

    Basically, it allows people to easily inform the mods if there is a bad post. Currently, you have to PM the mods. This makes it easier. Oh, and if you abuse the system, you get punished.

    Anouther feature from GameFAQs, is the Karma system, which ties in with the mod system. Basically, when you get moderated, you loose Karma. And you gain one Karma per day, as long as you have at least one active post.

    I suppose I've only seen these features at GameFAQs, because it is the scurge of all earth. And I love it.

    MacRumors in the most friendly fourm on the internet, but GameFAQs has a wide variety of topics. It's the birthplace of many interesting things. Like the unholy trinity... Don't ask.
    Slashdot was the original and best.

    armor hero. ARMOR HERO waistband
  • ARMOR HERO waistband

  • swiftaw
    Apr 16, 06:32 PM
    google connect360


    armor hero. armor hero xt
  • armor hero xt

  • Huntn
    Mar 3, 11:12 AM
    I've now got 12 steps on my suggestion for fixing the economy. :D Post No.40.

    7. Stop supporting Illegal Immigrants- We can't afford the cost of rounding up millions of illegals and deporting them. Enact policies that go after employers. If they can't get hired, eventually they will go back home. In Minnesota I remember when all the house building crews were made up of locals. Now they are all Hispanics. Don't get me wrong, my wife is Hispanic so I have nothing against Hispanics nor immigrants, just illegal ones. And if an illegal alien has a kid here, do not give that kid citizen status. We do have the right to have and enforce citizenship standards.
    9. Taxes vs Services- Have a NO **** discussion on taxes vs services we want government to supply. Don't just run a "I'll lower your taxes" campaign.
    10. Push for Domestic Manufacturing and a Level World Wide Playing Field- It's a social, economic, and security issue. If we can't can't dump toxic waste in the river but China can, we can't compete. There is a price to pay for cheap products- the loss of our jobs and the degradation of our environment. And it is self reinforcing. Once we lose our jobs, all we can afford is the cheap product. Of course the few in charge of the corporate machine will do quite well for themselves as always.

    For the record, they are paying their fair share. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 95% of the income tax. Your disgusting attack on all conservatives wanting to '****' over all citizens is just that... disgusting.

    I don't have time to respond to all of your points this morning. I'll try later. But where did you come up with 95%? This chart ( seems to disagree with you.

    Btw, post WWII, the top tax rates in this country used to be way up there, like 90%. That was fair imo because after you achieve so much income, how much more do you really need? What does it take to live comfortably- $1M per year, $5M? Shoot I'd be happy with $500k per year.

    armor hero. Boxed Heroes: ArabianArmor($0L
  • Boxed Heroes: ArabianArmor($0L

  • lamerlizer
    Oct 25, 10:11 PM
    i'm buying on saturday though... my email is, add me on msn


    armor hero. Armor Hero: Emperor Movie
  • Armor Hero: Emperor Movie

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 20, 05:02 PM
    I'm from the UK, where capital punishement was abolished in 1969.

    I'm not trying to be picky, but I thought you might be interested to know that the death penalty was suspended in 1965, abolished for murder in 1969 and abolished totally in 1998. However, the last execution was in 1964.

    Here in the UK we would love capital punishement to be reintroduced, a life for a life as they say.

    Not sure where you got that from, I think you may be projecting? Did you know every Parliament from 1965 to 1997 had a free vote on capital punishment and always voted against it? If there was a public referendum I think it would be pretty close. However, the UK can't reintroduce the death penalty without withdrawing from the EU and the Human Rights Convention, so no Government would risk a vote on something that isn't a massive public issue.

    Most murders are in defence or panic, also a lot of pre-planned.

    This is where the public perception is quite wrong. In the UK you must cause the death of another, which is obvious. However, your state of mind is what people do not understand. In the UK you do not have to intend to kill someone to be convicted of murder, you can intend to cause GBH and be convicted. The majority of murders are convicted on the basis of intent to cause GBH. The offender never intended to kill someone, they only intended to cause serious harm. Although people convicted of murder are not usually nice people, they are not usually the monsters people imagine (family member works for Probation Service).

    Real case- man stabs women in non-vital area. Women would almost certainly have survived, but she was a Jehovah's Witness and refused a blood transfusion. The man was found guilty or murder- he caused the death and intended to cause serious harm.

    Real case- man chases wife out of house intending to harm her. Wife has heart condition that was undiagnosed and had a heart attack in the road outside the house. Husband guilty of murder.

    Taking the above examples, clearly these two were unpleasant people to say the least, but do they deserve the death penalty?

    Here in the UK the law is fail, 2 years for killing someone. No common sense here in the UK. :mad:

    Murder comes with a mandatory life sentence in the UK. The judge sets the minimum term before parol can be considered. The average lifer spends about 16 years in prison- bear in mind most lifers never intended to kill anyone. But remember- life does mean life despite what the tabloids say. The Probation Service meets with the offender for the rest of their life and assesses their risk. They cannot go abroad of move house without permission. If they commit any crime they can be recalled to prison.

    (Also why I don't believe in the "life should mean life" argument. The ability to monitor people for the rest of their lives once released is very beneficial.)

    armor hero. For this time, Armor Hero#39;s
  • For this time, Armor Hero#39;s

  • 100Years
    May 2, 11:14 PM
    Anyone here able to get this card working with Lion? I'm running Lion DP2 (with all current updates), and I can't get it working in my 2010 Mac Pro -- nothing I plug in, is being recognized.

    Interestingly though, if I go into the 'PCI' section of the system profiler, the card show up properly (even showing that the driver is installed).


    armor hero. spider-armor Hero squad in
  • spider-armor Hero squad in

  • AndrewR23
    Mar 27, 06:56 PM
    No ... a seller can't leave a negative for a purchaser. The worse he can do is file a non-payment complaint. You need a few of these before Ebay will do anything to you....

    Lets have some fun!! Lets start a bidding war and get this sucker up to $10,000,000!!! LMAO!!!

    Haha the guy took off the buy it now!

    armor hero. With padded armor on the chest
  • With padded armor on the chest

  • xmatthamptonx
    Apr 5, 08:53 PM
    I'm currently recording with a MXL 991 condenser through my M-audio Fast Track Pro.
    It seems to have a pretty weak built-in preamp as I have to turn the gain up around 90% to get a decent sound from it which is, of course, quite fuzzy.
    I've also heard that the MXL 990 series are fairly low-output mics.

    Any solutions?
    Small, decent, affordable preamps?


    armor hero. Watch Armor Hero Online
  • Watch Armor Hero Online

  • ravenvii
    Jun 24, 09:28 PM
    I need a Firewire/IEEE 1394 cable, 6-pin to 6-pin. Doesn't matter what brand.

    Let me know if you have one you're willing to sell. I need one pretty soon.


    armor hero. armor hero. armor play armor
  • armor hero. armor play armor

  • Blakeasd
    Mar 25, 03:17 PM
    To me Serlet has more knowledge than Craig. He actually includes information about under the hood stuff and the nice new UI features. Craig just says "beautiful" "very natural". I will remember Serlet as the father of Leopard -- Apple's best release IMO and Craig with Lion, a release that really has nothing that exiting.
    Again just my opinion.


    armor hero. with our armored hero.
  • with our armored hero.

  • shingi70
    Apr 13, 10:06 AM
    When thunderbolt was announced most of us thought the ipad would have but ot didn't. Now with intel putting out the tjunderbolt sdk when do you think we will start seeing devices that use and who do you think will jump on it first?

    armor hero. armor hero tv3. armored Feb ,
  • armor hero tv3. armored Feb ,

  • Bonte
    Apr 7, 01:27 PM
    Bought it immediately, i hope Konami also jumps in. Who has the rights for these games?


    armor hero. Armor Hero 2 - Shen Mi Shi
  • Armor Hero 2 - Shen Mi Shi

  • Marley
    Oct 3, 04:31 PM
    just geektool + a gray image

    armor hero. [DoReMii] Armor Hero Episodes
  • [DoReMii] Armor Hero Episodes

  • edesignuk
    Feb 14, 10:22 AM
    First post at 4:13, banned by 4:16. This has to be a record, right?
    I'm on the ball you see ;) :D

    armor hero. [DoReMii] Armor Hero Episodes
  • [DoReMii] Armor Hero Episodes

  • spillproof
    Mar 26, 08:54 PM
    That picture better be kissed and signed by Stevey himself for that price!

    Apr 29, 06:54 AM
    Yawn, yawn, yawn!

    Did I mention YAWN?

    Move on Apple and Samsung.

    Nothing will come of it and you both know it.

    End result:

    Settle with no admission of guilt by either party.

    Lots of lawyers bills (Does provide work for some people)

    Back to business as usual.

    PS: When will Samsung's white iphone come out?

    Dec 24, 07:10 AM
    Hopefully I'll be getting my 1981 4001 rickenbacker that I've saved for and the Christmas and birthday money. Snows like stopped the deliverys though :(

    Feb 7, 07:05 PM
    Just went to store and got the update window. Any idea of which new products?;)

    Mr. McMac
    Sep 5, 04:03 PM
    Thank You. Looks awesome on my MBP.

    You are welcome! Glad you like it :)

    Apr 25, 02:50 AM
    Apple probably knows how many people buy iPhones so late in the release cycle, and they obviously still decided that it was worth releasing the white version at this time. I think that this might actually make quite a lot of people buy a white one now rather than wait for the iPhone 5, which isn't even guaranteed to appear in June.