worms in humans

worms in humans. intestinal worms in humans.
  • intestinal worms in humans.

  • iLEZ
    Aug 7, 06:09 AM
    I work at a local newspaper in Sweden. The keynote starts about 19:00 here i think. I have not been able to work yet today, as MR takes up about 90% of my time. I hope everyone will be pleased with the keynote, and that MRs coverage will be as good as it always is! Cheers guys! =)

    worms in humans. worms in humans. how Planarian
  • worms in humans. how Planarian

  • DMann
    Jan 13, 01:56 PM
    I could go a MacBook Xenon (quad core) ;)

    hot, Hot, HOT!!!!

    worms in humans. Intestinal Worms in Humans
  • Intestinal Worms in Humans

  • Cheffy Dave
    Jun 24, 01:38 AM

    damn Son, very nicely done!:cool:

    worms in humans. Guinea worms—in through the
  • Guinea worms—in through the

  • Mousse
    Feb 23, 11:43 AM
    So when will automakers sell a compact pickup with a 2 liter diesel in the US? I want a diesel pick up. But I don't want a behemoth that requires a ladder to enter and hogs 2/3 of a 2 car garage.:p

    I prefer diesel in a work truck for three reasons: torque, torque and torque.

    worms in humans. Intestinal Worms In Humans.
  • Intestinal Worms In Humans.

  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 05:57 PM
    How does your vision plan to implement any non-steering games on the big screen? You can either look at your iPad, or look at the television. There is a reason physical buttons are important for big screen gaming. Touch screen gaming will always suck for anything more than flinging birds into bricks.









    I could go one, but the list would be too long.

    So what's it like being stuck in two years ago? Is the Palm Pre still a hot item? LOL

    As far as implementing new tech to enhance the gaming experience, I'm perfectly happy to leave it it Apple and their partners. I'm pretty sure they've got it all planned out (and easily paid for) for the next 2-3 years.

    Apple has this weird habit of continuing to develop the landmark products they release. Shocking, I know.

    worms in humans. Humans look to worm for virus
  • Humans look to worm for virus

  • vicious7
    Feb 5, 04:45 PM
    My new "old" car...:cool:


    worms in humans. Symptoms of Worms in Humans
  • Symptoms of Worms in Humans

  • eddietr
    Jan 11, 09:40 PM
    what if this slim macbook had a touch pad keyboard? that would be one way to make it smaller

    That would be interesting.

    The one thing miss about my old thinkpad is the eraser mouse thing in the middle of the keyboard.

    Not that the eraser head is that great of a pointing device, it's just that not having to move your hands from typing to moving to typing to moving is really convenient.

    They could achieve the same by just merging the keyboard and trackpad together.

    worms in humans. worms in humans. intestinal
  • worms in humans. intestinal

  • Frisco
    Sep 6, 09:41 PM
    After following all this stuff today, I am really concerned about whateverthehell it is that will be announced next week. There seems to
    be limited interest in movie downloads, when there are already good alternatives (netflix, the local video shop, etc.) There are definitely some
    questions if that would/will even fly. I, for one, don't really care if I rent. I have a bunch of DVD movies, but rarely view them more than twice. So... even though an apple movie download service comes along, I really wonder how successful it will be. Which leads me to wonder... The Steve is not dumb. He is not going to order up a special meeting like this for something that may turn out to be nothing... Hell, it is apparently viewed by apple as much more important than the introduction of the 24" iMac, which is a heck of an interesting gadget. Do you think that there may be some REALLY BIG new technological/hardware gizmo being intro'd? Something that makes the movie store just a minor part of a larger picture. I keep thinking, Apple is a hardware company. Always has been. SHOW ME THE HARDWARE!

    Agreed! On-Demand is the future for movies. It just needs more of a selection then it's perfect.

    Downloading movies is of limited interest to most people. Just give up the Mac Media Center (iHome) and we'll all be happy campers come Tuesday!

    worms in humans. Genes: from worms to humans
  • Genes: from worms to humans

  • mltaylor
    Mar 22, 10:03 AM
    Can't please everybody. Someone will always be upset over something. This time people are upset, next time maybe I will be upset with something on the App Store. Deal with things people and move on.

    worms in humans. worms in humans.
  • worms in humans.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 26, 05:18 PM
    But I agree, :apple: really should build a computer for the consumers that actually knows something about computers and are interested in the area. But I guess that would be bad business, as it would be impossible to sell parts att 200% of the normal price if that box could be opened by the user.


    It's funny because it's true. ;)

    Steve Jobs is right on the ball, though. Notice how important OpenCL has been since its introduction. It's blowing the doors off the rest of the Windows world! Now watch as Thunderchicken rules the school with exactly zero products for it! Apple has been doing a good job of being "first" in areas that don't matter one bit and being years and years behind in areas that do matter (e.g. Blu-Ray, USB3, OpenGL, etc.)

    worms in humans. intestinal worms in humans.
  • intestinal worms in humans.

  • marksman
    Mar 26, 04:18 PM
    Hardcore gaming will never change to the extent it doesn't need a controller and as such the market isn't going to change. Sure I can't wait until I play starcraft or the like on an ipad, but I won't be ditching any of my consoles.

    You clearly lack any sort of vision. You couldn't be more wrong about the future of gaming.

    worms in humans. worms in humans. intestinal
  • worms in humans. intestinal

  • lordonuthin
    Feb 19, 06:53 PM
    hey, what ppd are you averaging for you mac pro and i7?

    Good question, I'm not sure at this point. Lets me see; the MP was doing a bigadv unit every ~46 hrs which would yield maybe ~25k per day, the i7 isn't doing so well with 3 gpu and win 7 on it, I would guess maybe 2k/day or less. It doesn't seem to slow down the gpu's fortunately.

    I wanted to ask you about oc'ing the i7, every time I tried to bump it up it started freezing or crashing, I have a water cooler on it which seems to do a really good job. I've just left it at stock but would like to try to get it higher sometime. I don't have any experience with oc'ing as I mostly stick with mac and Linux which don't have the tools/ability for oc'ing like windows does.

    worms in humans. worms in humans. intestinal
  • worms in humans. intestinal

  • Killyp
    Aug 7, 08:04 AM
    Eh, but you still have to find the stuff and set it up. In XPSP2 all security related settings are in one place, its nice. And the OS keeps annoying the hell out of you if you dont turn the firewall on.....

    OOH, and even better....this one I like:
    XP SP2, with firewall enabled, will tell you when a application is attempting to make a network connection, ask for authorization (allow once, allow always, or never), and adjust your firewall settings. If you are playing a game, no more swearing, the OS tells you whats wrong and asks if you trust the application. Good for the clueless people (or, good for those damn games that dont document their TCP/UDP ports)

    I just find that the Windows Firewall gets in the way. Incredibly irritating after a while...

    The OS X firewall is perfect IMHO. I've never had problems with it blocking apps I don't want it to block...

    worms in humans. worms in humans. worms in
  • worms in humans. worms in

  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:01 PM
    Speaking for the common man (i'm not all techy like a lot of posters here)

    I never heard or used the word "App" until apple started using it. I think Apple did such a good job with it it became universal almost.

    Now the term "program" I understand. Computer Programs and Apps are the same thing.

    One is catchy and has a "buzz" word nature to it the other sounds like something i'd want to avoid.

    Hey man download that Computer Program Angry Birds to your phone.
    Hey Man get that Angry Birds app.

    worms in humans. intestinal worms humans
  • intestinal worms humans

  • Tonsko
    Jan 7, 10:29 AM
    I'm hanging onto my MkIV (daily driver) for now - in the vain hope that it will eventually start to go up in value. What's your read on that? What makes me think that is that they will be a future classic, and that there were only 2000-odd brought into the UK in the first place. I could just be pissing in the wind, however. :D

    Having said that, the fuel cost is a sting. The g/f has also decided she wants to be driven to the church in it on our wedding day. Haha!

    worms in humans. of Worms in Humans?
  • of Worms in Humans?

  • mc68k
    Oct 5, 11:46 AM
    way to go dude!

    worms in humans. worms fucking humans#39;
  • worms fucking humans#39;

  • TelegraphRoad
    Sep 14, 09:24 PM
    I subscribed to their magazine for about 10 years. I bought into the whole thing ... raffle, website subscription, donations ... the whole bit. I finally got smart after being burned on riding mowers, washing machines, hotels, hand-held vacuums and most other crap. I religiously purchased their recommendations, except for cars since I worked in that business and they were too biased against some brands. I found their recommendations so unreliable, that I started shopping from the bottom of this. Anyway, I can't recommend them and perhaps we can get publicity for making that statement.

    worms in humans. worms in humans. worms
  • worms in humans. worms

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 5, 08:48 AM
    2pm GMT

    As i said earlier

    worms in humans. worms in humans. worms
  • worms in humans. worms

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 15, 05:32 PM
    Such a rude response deserves a rude retort, but I'll leave it up as an example of what Apple users face.

    I get called a groupie and someone who lights candles for Steve Jobs in my basement, yet I'm the guy who admitted there is a flaw that needs to be fixed, that Apple says they are going to fix, and has a program in place to freely help all affected owners today. Such logic is ignored and instead I'm called names. End of discussion. The anti-Apple attacks are beginning.

    I'm still a subscriber to CR. Their tech coverage has sucked for years, but their other tests are better.

    Apr 21, 12:37 PM
    Why is a congressman getting involved in this? So ridiculous. This information has been stored by the cell companies for years. Now I can access my own. So what.

    And all this worry about being hacked or someone else looking at my computer. If they take my computer they can also see a ton of other personal stuff about my life. Just like stealing or going through my wallet.

    This is just the media blowing something out of proportion to make a story. So dumb.

    Sep 14, 10:37 AM
    I think it's a fair question to ask as well. Since all phones have this issue to one degree or another, why is it Apple who got singled out? Because they are the mindshare leaders. If you are Greenpeace and you want to get publicity, call out Apple. If you are Consumer Reports and you want headlines, call out Apple.

    When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.

    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.

    Apr 12, 10:07 PM
    i mostly just do smaller editing projects, and obviously information is somewhat limited at this point, but i really do like what i hear. sounds like hardware will be much better utilized to let you play with your footage without as many costly timeline renders. we'll see how the potential pans out, but i'm eager to give it a test drive!

    Sep 30, 03:32 PM
    I got the clear one. I don't know if the inside was was matte or not. Took 2 days off an ebay seller.

    did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?

    Nov 27, 12:29 PM
    It is really awesome, from what little I've played so far. I don't have my copy yet, it is still in transit for delivery today. But I played it at a friend's, and it is really awesome. It isn't open world, you pick the events to do, but you can also play them from both sides, racers and cops. I haven't played much of it, but what I have is excellent.

    I love NFS games, and I love Burnout games. Thus, a NFS game developed by the guys who normally make the Burnout games is just about as perfect as an arcade racer can get for me. Forza 3 is still my favorite console "simulation" racer, but this newest Hot Pursuit is likely going to be my favorite arcade racer, and will get played for MANY hours.

    I disagree. I quite enjoyed what I played of it before, and for $10, I will easily get my moneys worth out of it.

    I hated Shift. I havent taken it off my shelf in months. Question...what was the last open world NFS game? I dont remember the name of it, it was like 5 or 6 years ago, and it was my favorite NFS game.